Tuesday, March 1, 2011

BETRAYAL is officially out!

To celebrate, let's have a contest. This month, I'll be giving away one $25 iTunes gift certificate each week. Why an iTunes gift certificate? Maybe this excerpt from Betrayal will explain.

I ran my finger around the edge of the black box and didn’t feel any sense of ghostly resonance, so I opened the lid and found a nest of red tissue paper inside. Buried beneath the layers was an iPhone
That iz not jewelry, Celeste said, clearly unimpressed.
I grinned as I grabbed the phone and turned it on. Weird. Who’d send me a phone? I swiped to unlock it and found a little ‘1’ next to the mail application, which I touched with my finger.
A message had been sent to EmmaVaile at an account I didn’t recognize. It was from BennettStern at the same network.
Four words: ‘I’m grateful for you.’
I felt my face light up with joy. It’s from Bennett.
Iz still not jewelry, Celeste said, but she looked pleased for me. Then she faded away, leaving me alone with my gift, which I liked a thousand times better than any bracelet.
I tried to email him back, but the account no longer existed. I flipped through the other applications and found the phone loaded with aps and ring tones. Then I clicked the music. He’d loaded a hundred songs, all them about love. Some I recognized, some I didn’t.
I plugged in the white buds and settled into one of the playlists. As the beats began to throb, I was grateful too. Grateful, he hadn’t forgotten me. 

So, to enter the first contest, all you have to do is like The Haunting Emma page on Facebook and post your favorite love song on the wall. If you've already become a member of the page, just post on the wall. Can't wait to see what songs you like, and a randomizer will pick the winner of the $25 iTunes gift card next Tuesday, March 8th. 


Jena said...

I didn't get to that part yet! BUT OH MAN am I excited! :)

Paperback Dolls said...

Happy release day Lee!